But this is not a blog about the weather, this is a blog in tribute of my two blog mates, however in frequently they post, this blog still remains another strong connection between the three of us. I know when I post they will both read it and when we get together next we will probably discuss it. Perhaps it is just me, but this blog is maybe more of a way to keep connect to two of the most important men in my life, or a way to keep our minds crossing similar thoughts.
In a couple of days both Chad and Greg will celebrate their 29th birthday so here are some fond memories I would like to share
Remember being 16 and heading out to Chad's cabin, alcohol and trouble the only things we had planed, days in the canoe, running around Kenora trying to find some kind of trouble out there, but just being too utterly ridiculous and silly to do more then take weird pictures in front of places that only have hidden meaning or jokes to us!

Chad your days working at staples and planning the whirlwind trip to Italy, I know I wasn't going with you but I felt so much a part of the prep for that trip.
Greg our time traveling, however brief sometimes or tumultuous our friendship has handled some pretty tough blows but traveling in Guatemala was amazing.
OR more then these individual memories, the countless bottles we have shared and nights walking streets late at night, or at parks or sneaking into swimming holes under the light of the moon.
It is hard to believe we have all been friends for the better part of 17 years!

I love you both!
Happy early birthday Chad and Greg!
Super sweet Jamilies!! Cheers to Chad and Greg!!