you know what I have done
they say that you see everything
so you know I never hurt no one
What I have stolen won't be missed
By those who had so much, so long
We'll soon be laughing about this
They will never notice it is gone
I could bend the universe
It I can only get there first
There are some foolish fresh laid plans
My fate is firmly in your hands"
We are so limited in what we can do in one lifetime, we can only read so much, we can only take in some many experiences, so how do we decide which are the chances to take, which opportunities we should follow, and what should we invest whatever time we have left into?
I don't have an answer for this, but I have been trying something new, to live intentionally. now this isn't some church idea, or some type of psychological piece here, although if you google live intentionally this is what you will find. for me it is about simple things. Since September, I have been really conscious of what I am putting into my body, and how I am getting it. Now I have been vegan for almost 12 years, so I thought I already did this quite well, however i soon realized this very quickly. Planning at least 5 meals a day with my wonderful partner, has really made me conscious, when I shop I am not just walking down aisles thinking of possible dishes, I have purpose when i shop. Tonight for the first time I boiled a bunch of vegetable scraps and made my own both, this is normally stuff I would just throw in the garbage, maybe the compost is I am feeling organized. But now I have a huge stock of vegetable stock that would have otherwise been garbage.
I know I am not saying anything new or highlighting anything groundbreaking, but this is what i mean, its about savoring the little things, making the most of each moment, and being fully in those moments to make them matter. It is amazing how it feels when you appreciate those people around, it heightens your friendships and appreciation.
There is something important in everything we do, and this is everyone no matter what your career choice is, we all have a important role to play in our lives, and we shouldn't dismiss or diminish these roles but embrace them. Not everyone is going to be Ghandi or mother Teresa, but we all can be important or make others important.
so try to live with intention, you will soon see how many amazing things we are missing just by glossing over our lives.
Yes, we must be good caretakers, if we had been,the planet would be much healthier, and where better to start than to caretake ourselves. We must recognise the important and not just deal with the urgent. mom.