There are things that i am a slave to, my emotions being the biggest slave master of them all. The whim of a feeling can change the thoughts in my head, the way my day pans out, my ability to interact with others or how much i smile, or don't for that matter. Sometimes i can't bring myself to get out of bed, let alone leave my house, and i lay here and ponder depression and what is making me feel this way, but then Monday comes or the next day comes and i am up and out the door. It leads me to question what rules my life more, my heart or my head. When it comes to passions, i can honestly admit i make an attempt to live my passion everyday, that being said i fail at that often. But which is it, head or heart, when you look at depression and other mental ailments its always associated to your head. I know people who live their lives out in their heads. On the flip side i have seen people have their hearts torn out by not using their heads. So which one head or heart?
Once we address that debate, we then have to deal with all the fall out, regardless of head or heart, you still can't do everything, or most things, or sometimes anything you want. When your body ignores head and heart and shuts down, or falls apart it makes that whole argument void.
Then there are our vices, i have always been limited to three vices, alcohol, sex, and work/overwork. I have done them all to excess, push boundaries in each and crashed hard in all three. As much as I am a slave to my emotions and feelings, i have made more choices based on sex or not enough sex then i have just based on any one feeling. Then you add alcohol and the choices i have made intoxicated and that is a whole separate ball game. The there is the fact that my vices all play off each other, is that normal or natural or healthy? I know i am not the epitome of health, but i keep my mind sharp and i am always ready to push my body to new limits or at least till it pushes back!
What am i getting at? do i have a point to this? that is the golden question, my head hurts, and my body aches, and i will drink or fuck it all away and when that stops working i will pour my heart and soul into my work until i need a drink and a good lay!
this is what i was listening to while writing this!
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