In this crazy mess of a world, where we are constantly faced with information being thrust at us on our tv's, computers, phones, on our food, on our streets everywhere you turn and open your eyes in the city is some type of advertisement or someone's opinion you need to take in and digest. So i find people tend to block things out, they either don't believe anything or they have to work hard to find out what is the truth versus what is some type of propaganda or spin or bias. When i was in school it was almost a part of my studies to keep up with current events, searching out reliable media outlets etc. This is not a sustainable practice, so as your life fills with the day to day burdens and commitments of living, we need to find our outlets we trust. I trust people i know who are up to date on issues to share with me their opinions or findings on things, this is not always the most accurate, but i have some great friends who are really good at sharing information and discussion of currents events are important parts of our relationships.
where am i going with this?
information, what we need to get by, to feed our minds etc. where do we get it from???? I have a number of sources like listening to the democracy now podcast every day, or checking different news outlet tickers, but this is to keep up on current events or world happenings. Where to go to have my mind challenged, to simply learn about new things, or ideas, or people and their work? This is what i wanted to share. I am sure many of you know this, and check them out regularly, but TED talks are by far the purest form of passionate information sharing i have come across. I love the format, although i admit that as it is only internet based it is not accessible to all, but 18 minutes to share your thoughts, or ideas or projects, categories, or jaw dropping or innovative, or inspiring, it is the best way i have found to keep up with new ideas other then being in school! (not that you have access to this in school, this was just the time i used to access these type of ideas)
so without further ado, here are my favourite ted talks ( no particular order, but take time to watch them all and more)
Sir Ken Robinson, there are two of his i really like both focused around education
Bring on the learning revolution!
schools kill creativity
Sticking with education, this one i especially like! its great, inspiring, intelligent, and something i hope to work on happening here in Winnipeg one day! also i seem to love everything Dave Eggers does! I would love to see more projects like these using professionals giving back with their skills, skill shares and exchanges are so powerful!
Once upon a school
This next one i think i have watched three or four times, he is really funny and the insights on poverty are pretty amazing!
Hans Roling's New insights on poverty
This one hits home because this history is so close to home literally! some powerful pictures and words!
Aaron Huey American Native Prisoner's of War
There are so many more, i could actually go on for quite some time so i will stop there, but check out TED talks if you haven't! I would love to hear your favourites! Also anyone with other great sources of new information i love to learn!
and one more to inspire sweet dreams!
This is less of a talk but i find this just so amazing, inspiring and beautiful!
Miwa Matereyek's Glorious Visions
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