
dancing in the dark

This week I had the fortunate experience to go out the Windy Hill.  Windy Hill, is a site that Ma Mawi owns out just past grand beach.  It is normally a place for aboriginal families to escape the city, reconnect with each other and their culture.  From my understanding because the elders who have been running the programs out there did not have counseling certificates or degrees they had to stop until they do.  The place has a magic vibe to it, its a pretty modern space, decorated in aboriginal art, but there is a feeling of calm and safety in the air.  I was out there for an executive director's retreat.  So I had the fortunate opportunity to sit with 10 of the leaders of amazing agencies and discuss and learn together.  Now you might say that this would be a good enough thing to write about, but there was something that happened that was more amazing then this!

At about  6pm the power went off, we were warned and hydro was doing working in the area.  We sat around the dinner table and chatted in the candle light, it made an even peaceful place even calmer.  about a hour or so into it some of the smokers stepped out to go have a smoke, which quickly followed with calls to come outside.  The stars!  the northern lights were out!

Now I grew up going camping, spent many a night out staring at the stars, I have seen northern lights from so many different places in this province, it is a impressive list!  but in all my 29 years I have never seen northern lights like these.

They started pretty average, dancing on the tree line, standard northern lights, much clearer with no light pollution, but nothing I haven't seen before.  Then a bright red starting coming off them and the sky light up with reds and purples then it was like a light starting from the tree line in a circle around us moving up in the sky and forming images right about my head as the circle got smaller the higher in the sky it was.  Truly a magnificent sight, bright, moving and awe inspiring.

There is a profound sense of peace when you have witnessed the world's atmosphere in all of its glory.  In this day when all we seem to hear about is storms or natural disasters.  The news only reports terror and tragedy.  This was what the world was capable of.  This Majesty of sun light flying from the sun on the streams of electrons left from the north pole!  Amazing!  inspiring!  i thought i would share!

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