
Stephen Harper Hates Us for Our Freedom

It used to anger me that the conservatives narcissistically changed the official name of the federal government to the Harper Government.  Now I am pretty sure that it is quite appropriate.  While they may be our current majority government, it should now be disturbingly clear they could care less about the majority of Canadians. By scrapping the per-vote subsidy vital to opposition parties, pushing government committees behind close doors, sanctioning shady free trade deals with China and Europe, and proroguing parliament not once but twice (this is just the shortlist), the conservatives have abused their power time and again to recklessly obliterate any semblance of a Canadian democracy.

Now with their most recent act in their campaign against the Canadian citizenry, the ‘Harper Government’ strikes again, taking a drastic stride toward the dissolution of our rights to privacy. Under the delicate disguise of a “protecting children from internet predators act,” the conservative government is proposing to introduce measures that will allow the police and intelligence communities to access personal communications online. The bill proposes a “backdoor” for these agencies into the personal, electronic lives of Canadians via your telecommunication company.

Suspiciously, the word child does not even appear throughout the entire document. It seems quite clear that this title is nothing more than a surreptitious appeal to the emotions of Canadians. “If you do not support this bill, you stand with child pornographers” is the brilliant argument of schoolyard bully and Canadian Public Safety Minister Vic Toews. How can you reason with someone that stoops to this insidious misuse of logic? “Oh, you piece of shit” comes to mind.

The invasion of privacy act was strangely absent from the conservative agenda during election time.  Now, not even one year into a majority, the conservatives are showing Canadians the damage they can do when they have full reign over Parliament.  This bill demonstrates the utter contempt this government has for Canadians and our basic human rights.

If there was ever a time to email your MP, this would be a good one.

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